Snow Removal & Parking during Winter Months
10.11.020 Snow Removal on Sidewalks and Private Property.
Responsibility. It is the responsibility of the abutting property owner to remove snow from sidewalks and driveway approaches accessing the road within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of a snowstorm event.
Placement. Snow from private property shall remain on private property, including any sidewalk or driveway shall not:
a. Be placed on any road, travel lane, or in a manner that may create a hazardous condition.
b. Be pushed or placed onto a city road or across the City road and deposited on the roadside opposite the driveway, except by permit from the City.
There is no public expectation that snow placed in the road will be removed or pushed aside by snowplows.
10.11.030 Winter Parking Restrictions:
No person who owns, controls, possesses, or otherwise operates a vehicle, trailer, or object shall park such, or allow such to be placed or parked, upon any public road, including the road shoulder, between the hours of one o’clock (1:00) AM to five (5:00) AM from December 1 until March 1 each year, or otherwise during a winter storm event including seventy-two (72) hours after such winter storm event. Any such vehicle, trailer, or object so parked or placed, is declared a public nuisance.
Winter Parking Areas. Residents in a designated “Winter Parking Area” may park on soft surfaces within their yard area, at-will and during a snow and or ice event, and/or between December 1 and until March 1 each year notwithstanding regulations otherwise in this Section. All vehicles parked on a soft surface for winter parking must be removed from the soft surface environment by March 1, except where there may be an additional accumulating snow event.
The winter soft-surface parking allowance in this Section is subject to the following:
a. No parking for any type of recreational vehicle, trailer, commercial vehicle, work vehicle, or vehicle used as part of a home business.
b. That all available parking area at a residence is to be utilized only for authorized vehicle parking area and not for any storage or other use of any kind.
c. That all parked vehicles owned by the resident are properly licensed, registered, and operable.
d. Any yard area damaged as a result of winter soft-surface parking authorized by this Section shall be restored to its original or better condition on or before April 30 of each year if such is used for parking. In addition to the penalty provided in this Section, any spring restoration that is not completed as provided in this part may be enforced by the City as a nuisance violation
Penalty. Any parking violation referred to in this section is an infraction and subject to a fine not to exceed $50.00, per parking violation. Other violations of this Section is an infraction subject to a fine not to exceed $750.