Municipal Code and Common Nuisance Violations

Municipal Code Nuisances

To access the Washington Terrace Municipal Code, click here.


Common Nuisance Violations

10.09.030 Parking The following are prohibited from parking on any road, public right-of-way, or City property at any time:
1. Any recreational vehicle, boat, or trailer of any kind for a period of more than twenty-four (24)hours.
2. Any dump truck, heavy equipment, or other object of any kind, except use for on a bona fide utility project, road project, or development approved by the City


 ( 80.16.030 ) Parking All Motor Vehicles, Motorhomes, Fifth-Wheel, Trailers, Watercraft, Recreational Vehicles, and All Other Vehicles that are Axle Driven Devices, should be moved immediately to Solid Surface, Gravel is not an acceptable parking surface or considered a solid surface.  

-ff. Failure to park any vehicle that would impede any vehicular or pedestrian traffic within the sidewalk or where a sidewalk does not exist beyond the curb on a right of way.


Yard maintenance -.2. g. Weeds, grass, vegetation over six (6) inches in growth, also to allow neglected landscaping, any dry or parched landscaping or lawn, failure to maintain and adequately water any lawn or landscaping, shall be a nuisance violation.


-2.a iii. Debris or junk of any kind.


-2. jj. Allowing or keeping any abandoned appliances, furniture, furnishings, or containers outside on any property shall be a nuisance violation and shall be removed from the premises.


-2.qq. To permit or cause to keep, deposit, dump, bury, or allow to exist any unsightly or injurious objects, structure, junk, discarded or unused objects or equipment, equipment, noxious weeds.)


-oo. To hold, park, keep, operate, maintain, or keep any nuisance vehicle or abandoned vehicle as set forth in this Chapter


- 3.a Nuisance Trees.  Any tree that impacts or that encroaches onto neighboring property, over or through a fence, or that lifts, cracks, or otherwise impairs , impedes, or damages any curb, gutter, drive approach, or sidewalk shall, immediately removed, cut, or trimmed, and/or maintained, and any and all damage shall be responsibly repaired.


-10.15.040 Obstructions Prohibited.  No person or entity shall obstruct any sidewalks, crosswalks, approaches, curb lines, fire hydrant, or encroach into areas prohibited by law or obstruct a City road. No screening, fencing, gate, vegetation, basketball or sports apparatus, or any other obstruction shall infringe upon any public right-of-way.

All trees, signs, canopies, or similar structure must have a minimum seven (7) feet clearance above the surface of the sidewalk.

Trees that overhang the road must have a minimum fourteen (14) feet clearance from the grade of the road.